What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow?
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What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow?
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Old 05-01-2015, 11:48 PM
jason woodrue jason woodrue is offline
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Default What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow?

Any recommendations for the easiest species Tolumnia for growing in windowsill culture conditions?

BTW I live in NYC - Hot summers cold winters and E tampensis grows freaking amazing for me! I was thinking of getting a Tolumnia as a friend plant to it.

I'd be open to hybrid Tolumnia recommendations in the Easy to Grow category also, but only yellow flowered varieties with red patterns or yellow flowers with assymetric red blotches.

Easiest species tolumnia (any colour) or Easiest hybrid (yellow and red flower)?

THX 1138
jason woodrue
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Old 05-02-2015, 07:44 AM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow? Male

Not sure I can help much but I do grow Tolumnias and have great success with them, both species and hybrids. For me, the trick is to water daily during their active growing season and try to water daily during the winter, grown in clay pots with absolutely no medium except a little horticultural charcoal. However, I know others that just can't simply grow them for one reason or another. I'd say buy a cheap hybrid and see if you have success with them first before investing in what might be a more expensive hybrid or species.
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Old 05-02-2015, 08:37 AM
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What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow? Male

I agree with Paul. I don't see a great deal of difference in the needs of any of the species I have tried, or their hybrids.

Warm temperatures, frequent watering, and fast drying seems to be the keys for me.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:16 PM
jason woodrue jason woodrue is offline
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THX Ray and Paul Mc. I once had a nice hybrid. can't remember its name. "genting something??? Yes I was able to do a wet and fast dry routine - it worked well
I have never tried a species Tolumnia in windowsill culture and I am afraid my wintertime lack of humidity will be tough on the plant. Andy's has T scandens and T velutina listed as "easy growers". Maybe one of those would be a good choice for a companion plant of E tampensis?

Last edited by jason woodrue; 05-04-2015 at 08:26 PM..
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Old 05-04-2015, 09:26 PM
lotis146 lotis146 is offline
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What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow? Female

I have T. Buck Hollow x Sib. Came to me in a small 2" clay pot no medium, I added a few chunks of coconut choir. I keep this plant in a south facing window and put it out for the summer last year. I bought it in spike - my first one actually - and now it is in bloom for me again. In fact it bloomed for maybe two weeks, then went without water for 4 days, blooms died, I got home watered it and within a couple of days (b/c I never cut the spike) it started growing two more buds, which are now in bloom. And I dare say I think this plant could be even happier if I actually did water it every day. So if you ask me it's pretty easy to grow.

Tolumnia Buck Hollow
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Old 05-05-2015, 08:06 AM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow? Male

Jason, I'd say go for one of those Andy's has listed as easy growers then. I've bought a few from Andy's as well and they are given the same treatment as my hybrids in clay pots except I leave them mounted as they were when they arrived from Andy's. They do just as well as my hybrids.
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Old 05-05-2015, 09:01 AM
fudJy23 fudJy23 is offline

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What is the easiest species Tolumnia to grow?

I grow mine on my windowsill in a south facing window. I have it mounted on cork with some sphag around it. I dunk it in water every morning while I prepare my breakfast. I've had it since last October and it has been growing pretty happily for me.

I got a little baby Tolumnia from another member of my local orchid society and I'm just trying to keep it alive at this point.
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Old 05-05-2015, 10:37 AM
snowflake311 snowflake311 is offline
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Originally Posted by fudJy23 View Post
I grow mine on my windowsill in a south facing window. I have it mounted on cork with some sphag around it. I dunk it in water every morning while I prepare my breakfast. I've had it since last October and it has been growing pretty happily for me.

I got a little baby Tolumnia from another member of my local orchid society and I'm just trying to keep it alive at this point.
I do the Same as you.

I have 3 growing really well in a south faceing garden window the kind that pops out. They get a bit of direct sun at times. The temp gets in the 80s during the day in the window due to sun. It drops to 55 at night. 2 are mounted on wood with spagnum moss over the roots. My seed my I bought is in spike now. They are dry every morning so I have to water daily. The humidity stays around 40-50% I have a small humidifier for the window.

I thought they were going to be hard to grow but they are not the hybrids any kind are tough little plants.
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Old 05-05-2015, 11:02 AM
gnathaniel gnathaniel is offline
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Tolumnia species have always done better for me than hybrids for whatever reason. Maybe I just pay more attention to the species because I like them better?

The species that have been easiest in my conditions are guianensis and pulchella, the latter being from upland areas in Jamaica and definitely more cool-tolerant than the hybrids I've tried. The Bakers' Oncidiinae culture book includes most/all of the species and is usually available for less than $50 on Amazon, or you can buy individual culture sheets at orchidculture.com.
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Old 05-05-2015, 11:00 PM
jason woodrue jason woodrue is offline
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Wow look at all this cool advise! It's good to hear that species Tolumnia aren't that finnicky.
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