THX Ray and Paul Mc. I once had a nice hybrid. can't remember its name. "genting something??? Yes I was able to do a wet and fast dry routine - it worked well
I have never tried a species Tolumnia in windowsill culture and I am afraid my wintertime lack of humidity will be tough on the plant. Andy's has T scandens and T velutina listed as "easy growers". Maybe one of those would be a good choice for a companion plant of E tampensis?
Last edited by jason woodrue; 05-04-2015 at 08:26 PM..
I grow mine on my windowsill in a south facing window. I have it mounted on cork with some sphag around it. I dunk it in water every morning while I prepare my breakfast. I've had it since last October and it has been growing pretty happily for me.
I got a little baby Tolumnia from another member of my local orchid society and I'm just trying to keep it alive at this point.
I grow mine on my windowsill in a south facing window. I have it mounted on cork with some sphag around it. I dunk it in water every morning while I prepare my breakfast. I've had it since last October and it has been growing pretty happily for me.
I got a little baby Tolumnia from another member of my local orchid society and I'm just trying to keep it alive at this point.
I do the Same as you.
I have 3 growing really well in a south faceing garden window the kind that pops out. They get a bit of direct sun at times. The temp gets in the 80s during the day in the window due to sun. It drops to 55 at night. 2 are mounted on wood with spagnum moss over the roots. My seed my I bought is in spike now. They are dry every morning so I have to water daily. The humidity stays around 40-50% I have a small humidifier for the window.
I thought they were going to be hard to grow but they are not the hybrids any kind are tough little plants.