To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!
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To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!
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Old 03-14-2015, 07:51 AM
astrid astrid is offline
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To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update! Female
Default To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!

Hey everyone!

Remember back when I was a big giant grumpus about the rescue orchids I received from a certain ebay seller?

The first division came with 3 bulbs and zero viable roots. This one I named Gwaihir.

The replacement that the seller sent to me came with several viable roots and two little 1-inch tall flower spikes on it. I don't know if those will ever grow, but *shrug* - the plant has a good chance of making it and recovering reasonably soon. This one is named Kaepora Gaebora, or KG for short.

Well, I followed a combination of the advice of Ray, Romeomffn, and others around the net on how to treat these nearly rootless bulbs. I did the following things:
1- I removed all the dry dead roots and sprayed the plants in hydrogen peroxide to sterilize them.

2- I soaked both plants in a solution of superthrive –*thanks, Romeomffn, for sending me little samples of plant nutrients!! Gwaihir, the rootless, got an overnight soak of the entire plant. KG got a soak of his roots and potting media in the superthrive. I sprinkled some of the rooting hormone sample I received on the base of KG at the roots, but I am not sure if it would do much.

3- I potted up KG in regular media and stabilized the plant with bamboo sticks and twisty ties. I placed Gwaihir down in pure wet sphagnum moss, where he's been for 3 weeks, bulbs buried, frequently misted, and soaking.

And now I have results!
They are small, but both plants have begun to develop very tiny little root tips! How exciting!! I have shared pictures below.

However, I'm having some problems as well. I have a miltoniopsis that I divided, and one division died of a rotting infection. I thought the seemingly healthy division would survive, but it is making a very slow and obnoxious march to its death.

Additionally, part of Gwaihir started to yellow and rot, too. So I have to toss that bulb and leave the other two bulbs to try to recover the ridiculous division the seller did to them. It doesn't look promising and you can see the picture below.

Finally, one of the "healthy" rootless psychopsis bulbs had a hole in it when I received it. I noticed it had begun to get a bit mushy around the edges, so I mixed up some cinnamon with some water on my hand using and old makeup brush, and I brushed it into the hole. Hopefully that will put a stop to the rotting!

Did you know that cinnamon on the skin can cause chemical burns?
...I just learned that myself! Whoops!

So yes, two orchids are on their way to the trash, and two other orchids are on their way to recovery. It's thrilling to get new roots to grow!
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To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!-img_8677-jpg   To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!-img_8678-jpg   To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!-img_8681-jpg   To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!-img_8682-jpg   To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!-img_8684-jpg  

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Old 03-14-2015, 07:59 AM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update! Male

Hope is here.

Gwaihir. I have a brassia hybrid I named Thorondor
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Old 03-14-2015, 08:10 AM
astrid astrid is offline
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To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update! Female

Originally Posted by Ordphien View Post
Hope is here.

Gwaihir. I have a brassia hybrid I named Thorondor
That is so awesome. You are a nerd after my own heart. My boyfriend paints thousands of tiny little Games Workshop models and he has a giant collection of Lord of the Rings and Hobbit models.

I am thinking of naming my duplicate Nelly Islers "Darmok" and "Jalad." XD

I am really impressed that exactly 2 weeks after treating the plants, like clockwork, little baby roots popped out. I need to get my hands on some legit kelpmax now. I want a rootsplosion!!!
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Old 03-18-2015, 09:26 PM
Draft Draft is offline
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To the trash they go, some new roots they do grow. Sick psychopsis update!

Originally Posted by astrid View Post
...I want a rootsplosion!!!
That sounds mildly alarming. And potentially destructive.

Congratulations on your orchid revival, it's good that you came out of the ordeal with two soon-to-be-healthy-plants.

I let my sister name a few of my plants, they are either terrible puns, Audrey, or Lazarus. The last two dependent on how close to the compost heap they were. There's probably close to 15 Audreys right now.

Needless to say your names are much better.
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bulbs, division, gwaihir, plant, roots, grow, sick, psychopsis, update, trash

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