This Oncidium intergeneric is often mistaken for Incdm. Popcorn. Although I bought it from SBOE, it originated at Gold Country Orchids and, alas, its parentage isn’t known so it isn’t a registered name according to Al Koch the owner of Gold Country.
3 buds just opened today and there are about 30+ more on a branched inflorescence. The flowers are about 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm. They start out creamy-yellow and fade to a white-blue.
I’m growing it mounted on cork, and it is growing right off the cork as it seems to have a wondering growth pattern. So I plan to attach another piece of cork on the next growth and then in time, I will separate the two pieces and have 2 orchids.
I mist it daily and on many summer days it is misted twice a day. It is fed regularly.
I don’t have much else that blooms in the summer months, so this a welcome sight.