Hi, all! It’s been so long since I’ve been on here – I kind of got aggravated with orchids because I couldn’t seem to bloom anything except Phals and Brassavola nodosas since I started growing almost 2 years ago. But, SUDDENLY, a lot of the blooming size orchids in my collection are either spiking or in bloom! I think it’s because in January of this year, I bought another T5 light and increased the light for just about everything.
So, here are my very first non-Phal, non-B. nodosas in bloom. I’m so excited!! The first two pics are an MTSSA Kauai's Choice 'Trop. Fragrance'. I bought this in bloom in June of 2013, so it seems to be a summer bloomer. It had more flowers when I bought it from Hausermann’s than it does now, but I’m just happy I successfully grew it. The next pic is a Potinara Judith Lynn Hausermann 'Marty'
I love them both!
Plus, 6 of my 9 Phals are spiking!