Update: After repotting it: it began to spike, and now it is in bloom!
Orginal post:
Hello everyone
I recently picked up a R513 Oncidium Heaven Scent 'Redolence'. I am wondering if I should re pot it now since it is not in bloom? Its pseduobulbs look healthy and plump. This is my first Oncidium, so I'm not exactly sure what to look for.

Here are some pictures of what it's roots look like:
Also, in this picture, is that the "back bulb" without the leaf growing out of the top of it?
It also has this weird brown spot on one of its leaves. Should I be concerned?
It looks like its growing out of the pot in this picture:
It has 6 or 7 Pseudobulbs. Should I split it into two plants when I repot it?

I have noticed there are these little bug/flies near/on/in the sphagnum moss on some of my plants. Do any of you know what these are and how to treat them?
Is there any way I can make it so my images that I put in this message are larger? Any advice at all would be appreciated. Thanks!