yes, someone collected it in the wild, i was told about it AFTER it was collected. so i decided to bring it home.
when rare plants or rare color forms of species are found, i do get the news (alongside other people).
i do plan to seed propagate them, (AS WITH many other rare species or rare color form, that came from the wild).
sadly , wild collected plants, are NORMAL within latin america countries, Mexico is not the exception.
first thing i do is to divide , and provide plants to other professional enthusiast, so it is unlikely the plant clone will die and can be used to propagate.
Edit : the pictures both came from the folks who collected, reason of the poor quality, flowers on the albun plant were just too damage for the purpose of this post. (which is the identification)
Last edited by palm521; 06-29-2014 at 01:19 PM..