Originally Posted by wintergirl
I received my plant. It looks healthy with lots of new growth. I see spag moss on top, not sure what it is potted with down deep. How is your potted? I will post pics when (if lol) it blooms.
Ooo lots of new growth, that's great! Mine came with one new growth that started its spike a month after I got it.
This girl likes bright light and is rather thirsty. It's in a fine bark and charcoal mix. But I just repotted it because its newest growth is kind of growing out of the pot (and has its own roots now). So I repotted it kind of funky because it is - I believe the term is... - on a rhizome. So mine has been growing along this firm root (rhizome) on a bit of an incline, which makes it long. This means, at least in my case, that in order to get the new growth in the media I have to bury the older pbulbs, the smallest completely. I'm not familiar with this lovely
phenomenon so I put medium sized bark and clay pebbles in the bottom and tried to surround the buried, and partially buried pbulbs, with these larger, less water retentive pieces in hopes they won't rot. Then I used a fine bark/moss/perlite/charcoal mix to surround the bulk of the roots and the youngest growths.
Hopefully the addition of the bigger pieces doesn't upset my plant by drying it out faster. Meanwhile I do hope it helps the situation with the buried bulbs. I do believe that given the overall size of the plant some would say the new pot is too big but I had to in order to fit the new growth and leave room for its new growth when that day comes.
So, phew long-winded answer, if you're a chronic under-waterer like myself then you should be fine even if it's moss all the way down. Just keep an eye on how fast it dries out at first until you "get to know it". I do believe it's like a lot of Oncidiums but it likes a bit brighter light and a bit more moist conditions (just not drowning). If you're an over-waterer well you might want to check and see if it is moss all the way through.
Good luck, I look forward to seeing your blooms. YOU CAN DO IT!
Mind you I was very much a newbie when I first got mine. Relative to the hobby I still am but not like I was then!