The small round black (shiny) bugs on Tolu. Buck Hollow are still crawling after being sprayed with Bayer Advanced Natria & actually I just found couple hours after spraying on Tolu. lucayana. They look like so: (not my picture, found online but that's them) Oh yeah & when I got this there was a small white round thing stuck on the leaf, I thought it was scale. I got a q-tip picked it off and its underside was basically hollow so I thought wasn't scale insect but it did leave white/bleached spot where it sat on leaf. Now I'm thinking these are a black form of scale?
The other bugs on the lucayana are much smaller than the springtails I just had on my Phal a week or so ago (long before I had these). They weren't quite as long looking. I wish they were/are springtails. They were scurrying along.