Odonticidium Mayfair 'R.F.M' FCC/AOS
Pictures from this morning, another orchid I got from Norman's Orchids (Odcdm. Tiger Hamburhen 'Goldilock' AM/AOS x Odm. Herb Thureneon 'Butter') about 5 years ago. I had it in a west/north window exposure for 3 years, it bloomed but always seemed to struggle, the flowers were on gangly dropping sprays. Last year I realized it wanted cooler, brighter outdoor conditions, so out to the patio it went and outdoors it has been since, almost 2 years. A typical Odont hybrid, seems to thrive on cool nights, warm but not hot days and a nice marine layer most mornings. It doesn't mind winter lows in the high 30's/low 40's. This is the second bloom on this pseudobulb, it had a massive spray around Thanksgiving last November (last picture).
Last edited by mjHuntingtonBeach; 05-11-2014 at 03:24 PM..
Reason: remove excess pictures