Well, As I've posted before this plant is my only one I can't get to re-bloom. I was limited on where I could put it in the house because it was HUGE! I was wondering if it just didn't like the light where it was located. It was getting unmanageable and tipping over because it was so top-heavy. It's been sending off new growth like mad!
I was able to divide it into four plants with 3-6 Pbulbs per division. I did have to send 2 old bulbs to the trash. I know they use them for nutrients, but I'm hoping the divisions are big and happy enough that they'll do just fine without them. There was just no good way to split it up while including the old bulbs, unless I potted into a bigger diameter pot to accommodate them and I didn't want to over -pot.
I am going to now have them located throughout the house and see if location change helps set a spike. And If I have any casualties, I won't cry as I'll have 3 others.
Keeping fingers crossed I can get some flowering out of one of the four! Wish me luck!