What is your wildcat potted in? Bark chip mix or moss?? You can stick your finger into the mix a little and feel the moisture level. If too dry, then soak the whole thing and drain completely.
Then lift the pot and feel the weight.
Lift the pot in a few days (I'd say about 4, 5 days) and check the weight of the pot again.
If it feels significantly light, then it's time to water.
If you feel cold indoor, then your orchid might feel the same. As long as it is too cool for the plant, there will be no new growths until it gets a bit warmer.
Regarding wrinkles, as Rosie says, it is common and when not too severe, it does not hurt the plant much.
However, you are also right in that it is a indication of water loss. I personally don't like the look of it so I always aim to keep all pbs nice and fat.
Even when the plant is slightly dehydrated, when it's time, you will see new shoots, but with not enough water, those new ones will not grow well but accordion.
Keep your plant in warm and bright location and it should grow. If you cannot provide this environment, then keep your plant on slightly dry side until favorable conditions returns in the spring.