I had to be guided by my instincts on growing this plant. It was a trial and error on finding where to strategically place this. Whether on the East facing window or my South facing window; whether to put it outdoors all summer or remain indoors….two factors I discovered in growing this: good air circulation and never over water it.
These miniature ‘Dancing Lady’ orchids are endemic to the Caribbean and surrounding areas, including the Bahamas, Cuba, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Formerly known as ‘Equitant’ Oncidiums this easy growing group loves warm balmy weather and bright shaded light.
I don’t let it get above 90F nor below 50F and I allow 10 degrees lower temps at night than the day temps….so these plants get to be placed early indoors after Labor day weekend and is on the far end of the south facing window.
These orchids have no pseudo bulb to store water, so I give it a liberal watering then I let it dry out overnight. There is a rule of thumb= “if in doubt, don’t water” that applies to this orchid.
I was advised not to cut off the spike after the first blooms fade. There is often a secondary spike waiting to form and branch out to provide several more weeks of bloom.
I feed this weekly weakly K-lite fertilizer and seaweed mix.
*the camera accidentally shaded part of the lip and shown a different hue of the flower