Hi again all. Just posted a query about a Sharry Baby onc I have, and realized I also have a question about another (actually my first) onc. It is tagged 'Rfdra. Jerry Pacific Empire', and it came to me spiked. It flowered well, around 7 or 8 mths. ago, and has not produced pbs bulbs or spiked since. It has 3 nice new growths that began around 4/5 mths ago, but they aren't turning into puedo bulbs. Is that even how it happens?

Maybe the pbs. come aside from the leaf growths.

It looks monstrously healthy, is not in need of repotting, (I don't think) but it is in a pot that looks much smaller than the plant. There is some pleating on a few of it's leaves, but there are no pleats on any of the new growths that have occurred since I've had it. Any suggestions?