Originally Posted by RandomGemini
Just wanted to come back here and offer an update and a THANK YOU! NYCorchidman, one of my african violets has a bud on it again, thanks to your suggestion of moving them to a higher light location. I have them growing on a plant stand in an east facing window!
The other, I think has a few suckers in it, so I'm going to have to take it out and repot it and see if I can get those suckers to take root. I wouldn't mind having a plant stand full of african violets in that room.
You're welcome!
I'm glad your plant is budding again.
By the way, regarding plants with bad roots, it is hard to revive them depending on the damage. As the plant loses more and more water with so many leaves attached, the condition gets worse and worse.
Two things are recommended.
Cut off the dead roots and any mushy part. Cut off all leaves but top few. Let the wound dry out and stick it clean mix of vermiculite or fine sand for rooting. Water jar is also an option instead of sand or vermiculite.
Take leaf cuttings. This may take much longer time until you see flowers again as you are starting over with tiny little plants.