For those who have experience growing and repotting milts - I am repotting my first miltoniopsis and have a question about how much to size up. The plant is in a 4" pot, but it has grown so vigorously, the roots have actually split the pot. If I try to allow for one year's growth, as I would with a cattleya, would I go up to a 6", or is it better to keep the plant in a 5" even if it means repotting again in less than a year? Thanks!
6" pot. The longer you leave them alone the better their flowers. 4" to 6" isn't that big. I would put some inert material like broken pottery or lava rock under the central root mass so that it doesn't stay too wet for long. The roots growing around the outside will like the water but if under the central root mass stays too wet it will decline in health.