Looking for fragrant Oncidium species (butterfly type)
Hello to all! I'm Greg, just joined here today.
Just a short introduction. I'm relatively new to the orchid world. Only four years experience here.
Collection: Lowes-bought phalaenopsis, Laelia Cinnabarina, Noble type dendrobium, Sedirea Japonica, and some unidentified cymbidium.
Now to the question. I'm on the search for a fragrant oncidium. I'm well aware of 'Sharry Baby' and the 'fantasy' types, but really love the dancing ladies. I'm particularly interested in Onc. Obryzatum but it seems impossible to find one for sale. Onc. cheirophorum is nice but really love the spotting on the petals.
Does anyone know of anymore fragrant, yellow, spotted varieties that are more readily accessible?
Any input/inquiries would be greatly appreciated!!