Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking
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Old 05-03-2013, 12:48 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking
Default Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking

I have this plant sitting on a windowsil behind a plant stand, so I don't really get to see it upclose.
Well, I used to at least take it out of its spot to water, but now I get lazy and just pour water over it.

I got this one in bloom from TJ last fall. It's been growing six new growths of different sizes, two of which are now mature.

I found that one of them is spiking now. The spike is poking above the leaf. I would normally spot a young spike while it is still buried deep under, but it's fun to have a surprise this way too.

Oh, the new spike wasn't the only thing I found. I also spotted a rather large rotting area on a new leaf toward its end. Thank goodness it wasn't happening toward the pb!
I cut a generous portion of that leaf off. I hope I don't ever see it again.
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Old 05-03-2013, 09:45 AM
ALToronto ALToronto is offline
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Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking Female

These are nicely fragrant, too. Mine has been in spike or in bloom continuously for about a year and a half. I haven't had a chance to repot it,which it needs badly. Now it's finishing off its blooms and has 3 new small growths coming up, so it will get a new home within the next month.
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Old 05-03-2013, 04:09 PM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking

I don't know why this clone is called Sugar Sweet because it doesn't smell sweet at all. more like peppery spicy sort..., which I enjoy. but I have to get very close to the plant to be able to sense it.

Wow~ continuous bloom for that long??? How big is your plant???

Mine really needs repotting as it's been growing out of its 4in plastic pot with roots going all over in the air.

I got mine with two spikes in late summer last year. It since grew quite a few new growths but no bloom until now, but only one spike. There is another new pb maturing that is of the same size as this spiking pb, but no spike there. hmmmm

Maybe I'm growing mine too warm.

What is your growing condition for yours?

Mine is sitting right up against south window with shade. I water enough but lazy with fertilizing. Overall, plant looks healthy and fine.
Day gets very hot and night gets cooler but still warm like around 19-25 C.
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Old 05-04-2013, 01:34 AM
ALToronto ALToronto is offline
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Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking Female

Mine is overgrowing a 6" pot. I bought it in bloom from Whole Foods, and the original spike lasted 3 months. And right after the flowers died and I cut off the spike, another peeked out. And it's been like that since, never more than 1 spike at a time, but now the 5th sequential spike is on its way out, and there are no mature pb's left that haven't produced two spikes already.

I had it in an east facing window for the first year, and then I moved it to a shaded south facing window last fall. We keep the house cool in the winter, never more than 70 degrees during the day, dropping to 62-65 during working hours and at night. In the summer, we prefer open windows to air conditioning, so the house is almost like a greenhouse, with high humidity and lots of air movement. It does better than my phals in the winter, and ok in the summer.
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Old 05-05-2013, 01:46 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking

I read that this plant prefers "intermediate" condition but tolerate warm condition, which is basically what my condition is.
So maybe the lower temperature is what encourages your plant to continue on blooming for a long time?
Also the duration of the bloom. I've never had Tahoma Glacier lasting longer than 2 months max.

Your plant also sounds like a super clone too!
I've seen some pbs with double spike, some one spike per pb. Mine is one per pb plant it seems.

The spike is still quite low, but I can see (or imagine) it's going to be quite big because the whole thing is starting out quite thick. Maybe the plant decided to put all the energy into making one big show. who knows? Time will tell.

Thanks for the input, by the way!
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Old 05-05-2013, 11:15 AM
ALToronto ALToronto is offline
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Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking Female

Here's a photo of my current spike, as of 2 minutes ago. I think you're right about the temperature - this spike is only 7 weeks old, and already the maroon spots are blurring out, which means the end is near. We've had a long cold winter, and suddenly this week the temperature surged to over 20 degrees outside. With no leaves on the tree outside our house, the sunshine is keeping the plants pretty warm. It's about 27 on the shelf right now.
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Old 05-19-2013, 03:09 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Tahoma Glacier Sugar Sweet spiking
Default The second spike is out!

Now I will have two spikes. Yay!!!

Unfortunately, those annoying little spots are showing up on the leaves. It is strange because I don't ever get any water on the leaves of this plant. I have been quite happy about clean green leaves thus far. oh, well...
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