At first, I was angry

since I haven't ever spent $30 on a plant. But now it's growing on me

. According to the grower, they cloned because of this trait, even though not all of the flowers on the same spike had expressed it (they didn't even have a photograph of the cultivar). Now it would seem to be a permanent thing, since all of the blooms have gone this way, and to the growers statement that this was the intended result. The pseudobulb, by the way, is 9" with three leaves on top. It really is a monster, so that is why I was thinking there was some ploidy in action.
Do you think this is a trait that would be passed on, or just an epigenetic blip?
I was thinking of crossing it with a different intergeneric to create something called a "taxonomist's nightmare" bio-art installation situation...and I could either go fragrant purple-sepaled miltassia shelob, or red (miltassia x odontocidium) that smells like melting paraffin wax.