I got this from a parent plant that I was admiring at an orchid farm that wasn't for sale. I was very shocked to hear him say "here you go", as the worker just randomly broke off a piece and handed to me after I expressed my love of its blooms. This was in April of 2012. It was a small piece with very little roots and about 3 or 4 small leaves.
I carried it home and and i kept misting the roots daily. I eventually wired it to a piece of driftwood and hung it high in a mango tree in my back yard to mimic what I had read to be its natural environment; living in the canopies of trees. It enjoys the cool breezes and the dappled sun through the leaves of the tree it seems as it just a few months it was firmly attached to the driftwood and had an extensive root system and some strong leaf growth. By December 2012, 8 months later it had a spike; and now finally this month (Jan) the blooms have all opened.
The are very large for a first blooming of a broken off piece of an orchid, and the sepals are looong; about 6 inches.
Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids.