Thx guys.... Had a few more orchids come into bloom this week... It's that time of the year!

Phal speciosa c#1 x amboinensis (no idea if I got the spelling right on that one) got it from big leaf orchids and in a few days it'll have the most pleasant vanilla sweet scent.

Phal purple Martin...also from Peter at big leaf. Had it a few years now and it blooms sequentially but this is a new spike. It had a Keiki explosion this past year. I estimate it gave 12+ keikis after a Keiki past trial. It worked.

Cannot remember the name of this one... The tag is in the container but it slipped down and I didn't have time to fish it out. It's in sh, and is a neo hybrid, inter genetic...

My ascd continues to bloom. The color is so much more rich in real life.

Phal tying shin Cupid ... It keeps its old spikes and had two before and its growing three new ones this year. Before you ooh and aaaah, it doesn't bare a flush of blooms... Which is disappointing, but the spikes means more of a chance of having it in bloom.