They will take until spring to get going. Meanwhile be careful with the watering. These will feed off the old pbulbs and not grow their own roots until nearly mature. When you see new roots growing, then start watering more. If you need to repot, wait until warmer weather but before the new growths produce roots. The roots on the existing pbulbs are not taking up too much water and food right now because it is winter. In your previous thread you said that you had just repotted this in new media. I like the choice of ingredients. Mine grow very well in it. The reason it isn't growing new roots is because old mature pbulbs don't grow new roots. They are finished growing and are just storage vessels for the new growths you now see starting to poke their tiny heads out of the old sheaths. be very, very, very careful with the new tender and easily damaged growths. Just be patient with them. They will be slow right now but once it gets lighter, longer, and warmer, zoom.
Last edited by james mickelso; 12-25-2012 at 06:08 PM..