cbuchman, this is one of the blooms I got off of mine. They're something aren't they? I didn't think I'd like the spider shape but this little guy really grew on me. The basket beside it is 4 inches square (the basket the plant is growing in.) I hope mine produces double spikes next year!
Pic was taken on the fly with my phone, sorry for the quality.
ElenaMarie -sorry no pic in your post. Indeed, from it's picture, i wasn't thrilled with the look and like you once I saw it "for real" I liked it and with about 16 blooms on the stem, it makes a nice showing. So now I am a fan.
ElenaMarie -sorry no pic in your post. Indeed, from it's picture, i wasn't thrilled with the look and like you once I saw it "for real" I liked it and with about 16 blooms on the stem, it makes a nice showing. So now I am a fan.
Wow, no pic, really?? I'm seeing one even after a total emptying of my cache. Weird. Anyone else see it?
Ohhhhh, okay. I rebooted and voila--no pic! Here's another try.
One of the things that endeared me to it was the awesome weeks-long display of 12-14 fully opened blooms on a gracefully drooping spike. It really was something else.
Last edited by ElenaMarie; 12-13-2012 at 12:03 AM..