Originally Posted by tucker85
Very pretty! Lots of beautiful dancing ladies.
Dancing ladies does seem very appropos for these oncidiums.
Thanks to all for your interest and kind remarks. Appreciated.
the Oncidium sphacelatum comes with a bonus. When I originally started growing the plant a few years back, I had two small plants from two different sources. One blooms in the fall and the other blooms in the spring. I intend to tag them this year and when I re-pot I will make separate plants for a much better show when they become specimen size.
They are one of the easiest plants to grow in my area. Bright light, of course is the main requirement for flowering and if you are providing that, it could be that your plant just has not reached flowering size yet. A mature bulb is about six inches with a leaf of 18 to 24 inches. Hopefully, you will get flowers in the spring.