oncidium dancing lady root rot
This is probably a gower ramsey or something similar, does anyone know if these are considered miniature or just smaller than momst, just wondering as it's so compact but still has nice big spikes. I got this guy in the spring or early summer and it had three consecutive flower spikes, the last one I cut of just a bit ago because the bulbs were getting pretty wrinkled and I knew it probably needed to be repotted, which I had put off because it was in bloom ever since I purchased it. It ended up being in peat moss, or basically soil, it was a soppy mess. So here are the roots now, not sure what to do, it has 2 new growths and the larger is starting to root. I set it on moss in a vase, a variation off sphag and bag I guess. Its my favorite plant so this is a bummer if it's going to be all shriveled. Definitely will repot right after buying now. Any ideas on what I should do to ensure it's survival? I don't really have any warm spots in the house, it's 50s-60s and not ready to turn on the heat yet. Also I couldn't find any info on these as cut flowers, but they do last quite a while, I found out after putting the bloomed stem in a vase, it was starting to drop flowers, but it still lasted 2 weeks in a vase, I imagine a just bloomed one would do even better.