My latest acquisition. I had a difficult time selecting one because they had just received a shipment from Holland. Though there were some with two spikes and even one that had three spikes I decided to take this one because she has six new growths. If I can get them all to mature, I'll have tons of spikes and flowers.
It's the third Brassia I've got, but these flowers are slightly different from the other ones. The colour is more greenish and the lip is much more pointy. A few pictures. Thank you for looking.
![New Brassia NoId-imageuploadedbytapatalk1347043016-209326-jpg](
![New Brassia NoId-imageuploadedbytapatalk1347043030-672465-jpg](
![New Brassia NoId-imageuploadedbytapatalk1347043045-697162-jpg](