new set of flowers on the left, will see if the browning develops......
( this is about the 4th seedling to flower. Those that flowered had 5/6 blooms on one side and always 3 on the other ! )
Last edited by orchidsarefun; 04-19-2014 at 09:03 AM..
Here is a picture of one of the parents (or the results of a selfing - not sure). I didn't take any pictures after the browning started. I might have some blooms, either this plant or a seedling) this fall. photo seedling appears to take after that parent shape-wise. I have had a couple with substantially larger flowers which I probably mistakenly attributed to temp and humidity differences. It's more like different gene combinations. I haven't had any as yet that are plain-coloured like that parent.
flowers better, but still that slight browning at tips.
Not sure what is causing it, but working on a solution. Helps that I have so many that are in process of flowering
Last edited by orchidsarefun; 04-30-2014 at 10:57 AM..
I checked my records. These first started spiking back in December 2013. Individual plants are STILL spiking. I decided to cut the flowers off as they seem like they are going to flower until death us do part. The blooms are also looking straggly because they have been outdoors, exposed to extreme temperatures. The scent is fabulous.
This is the vase - I have read that they don't last as cut flowers. These were cut early this morning, so we'll see how long they last.
Last edited by orchidsarefun; 08-03-2014 at 01:49 PM..
the flowers in the vase lasted about 5 days.
An update on the "seedlings". One or 2 still in bloom !
Tis the season for new growths though. The milt. in the photo has 5 new growths, as have many of the others.
The next full blooming season should be spectacular !
BTW - since I started preventive spraying with Thiomyl, the spotting on the blooms and some leaf rot has disappeared.
Last edited by orchidsarefun; 08-22-2014 at 04:40 PM..
They look happy! I looked at your temps and I thought of how committed you were to endure cold temps of 60 degrees. Then again I am from Arizona where it is hot all the time, so I might have a flawed perception of what is cold.