Originally Posted by Pilot
I did google it! The moment I saw your post. It's a gorgeous plant. All I found however was your post. Maybe my search criterion was too specific because I didn't find anything. If you find it let me know. They're such cheerful blooms. I wish my markets sold orchids!!!!! Best I can hope for are highland peaches, which are incredible.
I found two online vendors for you, Ryan. I've never bought anything from them so I can't recommend one over the other, but there is a price difference as you would notice.
Check them out.
Camp Lot A Noise Tropicals: Miltonidium Wham Blam <br /> 'Freckle Face'
Oncidium Alliance - Mtdm. Wham Blam! 'Freckle Face' - Retail Orchids, Cattleya, Oncidium, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Miltonia
Highland peaches...sounds very similar to the peaches I bought in Utah when I lived there years ago. They would sell peaches in large wood case for $20 in the late summer. Sooooo good! I ate peaches all day and night. lol