Thanks for the quick reply, guys.
I'm just so unsure about them and...have no idea whether they have the same requirements or whether some might need more sun or more shade than others etc.
I see that they are completely different plants...and I've been wondering if they are at oncidiums all of them or if some are perhaps closer to odontoglossums or brassias or something. I don't know if they will be happy with the same care?
I've just added a couple of case you recognize any of them.
The first one really looks pretty similar to a colmanara wildcat I used to have. And it has a spike so I get to see how the flowers look pretty soon.
The second has very long, oval pseudobulbs that get very defined vertical ridges when they get older. These plants just look very different from my wildcat lookalikes.
And the third one has very big, but flat bulbs even when they are young and plump.
Do you think they will be happy standing side by side in the same light and temperature?