Three months after the last post on this thread, I am happy to report that all my miltoniopsis are alive!
Well, I did throw away the dark red one because I wasn't too fond of dark spots on the leaves.
All are sending up lots of new fans, but I've never seen anything that grow so slowly!
Some of these plants had already developed a couple of new fans back in May but they are not much bigger after three months.
One particular plant is making lots of new fans but at the same time, a few of the leaves are developing many small dark spots. Some of the new fans are turning brown as well.
I am thinking of discarding it.
I have accumulated five more miltoniopsis since the last entry on this thread. These are just so hard to resist!
The spring time seemed like a main season for stores to sell these, however I noticed that they are available all through summer ( though not many stores carry them) and now it seems like another season is coming back as I see lots of these at a few stores again.
I'm being careful because the heat seems to hault and even blast the buds.
Regarding repotting my milts, I still haven't decided what to do, although I am thinking that I will try peat mix.