Oncidium divaricatum
I’d love to believe that my growing skills are so good that I could make my plants flower two or more times a year, but with this specific flower I know that this is not the case. This Oncidium is a fall bloomer (South Hemisphere) and what is it doing in flower now, almost seven months before April, the right time for it? Everything else done, I can only think of climate changes. I keep thinking that this thing is really letting several of my plants completely crazy! Anyway, out of time or not, this species is native to the coastal Brazilian hillsides and can hold long panicles (some say 5 feet long, although mine has never overpassed 2 feet). Taking into account that the callus is important to distinguish between species, I am also posting a closer view of it.
Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 10-18-2007 at 05:19 PM..