The mariposa is an easy growing hybrid. The papilio specie hasnt been any more or less difficult than the primary hybrid.
Mine do quite well and one the papilio has been blooming a very long time.
I keep both mine outside in dappled morning sun till about 11 am. Then its undercover with shade cloth until 2 pm. No high energy direct sun ever. It needs lots of fresh air . Also Sprinkled with water a few times a day to help keep the large leaves cool. Full watering with a flush 1st, then use 1/4 strnght fertilizer of your choise as needed. Its getting hotter so its using more water. They like being misted but dont hose the leaves down to where you have excess water running down into the mix and keeping the bulb wet. The bulb must be above the mix is all important factor you will find with most successfully grown orchids in any genus.
the triple papilio just got thru and is starting over again

you can do it!!!!