Mystery Onc. Hybrid Revealed!
I picked this up from the MOS raffle table back in.... July? June? It appeared to be some sort of a hulking, rambling, unidentified onc. intergeneric that was trying its best to climb right out of its pot.
Turns out, it had a case of the mealies that didn't present itself for about a month after I took it home. Got rid of the mealies with my mealy death spray, and over the course of the fall / early winter it pushed out 4 spikes. I had no idea what to expect, because I've never seen it in bloom. A day or two ago the first buds began to open and I'm really happy with the blooms - they're so cute! Each one is about the size of silver dollar.
I know that with most onc. intergenerics, if it's a NOID, there's exactly 0.0% chance of noodling out the cross - but that said, has anyone seen anything like it before? Anyone have something close in there own collections?
- J