Okay, so I went ahead and divided the oncidium... I didn't mention it again until now because it was so traumatic. I settled it into a nice tub of lukewarm water, and OUT CAME THE ROACHES! I almost had a heart attack at 7:30 in the morning! Those darn* things were hiding from me! I didn't realize they were roaches right away, because they were very small, but after much Google-ing I realized their true gruesome identity.
With the help of my fiance, we tossed that baby into a plastic tub and raced down three flights of stairs as fast as we could, while quadruple checking that not a SINGLE bug was escaping! I left it in the rain for a few hours, and then divided it up outside. Only two bugs appeared to be remaining in the orchid by that time. I then took the smaller, more manageable divisions with me to the tub one at a time to soak and DROWN whatever was left.
I now have the orchid outdoors. They have been treated with Sluggo *just in case*. I feel certain that there's no chance I missed any roaches, but there's no way I'm going to bet on it...YET. I have one large and lovely division inside that was examined with a magnifying glass (not quite literally) that I feel safe having inside. The rest are loving it outdoors so much I can hardly believe it. They are throwing out new roots all over the place!
So, from the photo: There are 5 large divisions in 8 inch pots and 2 smaller divisions in 6 inch pots. Also, not shown, is a little guy with 3 pseudobulbs that just wanted to be by itself. All of the divisions are thriving. Only two (one 8 inch and one 6 inch) look less than perfect, and its only because of the way they were hanging out of their original pot. All in all, roaches aside, I am extremely happy with the way it turned out. Beautiful plants.
Now, lets make them BLOOM!