should be fine
Post a picture so it's easier to tell what's going on.
With that low humidity, watering twice in the last 10 days is not bad at all. What media is it in?
Regarding yellowing leaves, did it come with some yellowing leaves or has the yellowing started once it came to your house?
Yellowing of leaves from the tip on the older pb is not uncommon on Twinkle.
You mentioned the buds continue to open up at your house, so that is a good sign. It definitely experienced a little bit of stress as your house is maintained at 60, which I belive is much lower than where they came from.
It should have acclamatized by now.
Last, green tone of the leaves differ by variety.
Also, the color you see on the online picture can often be different from the actual color.
I have two different yellow Twinkle. One has light green leaves, the other has very dark green leaves. Both grow in the same area.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 12-07-2011 at 04:48 PM..