My poor Nelly Isler! Without Tapatalk on my phone I've been away from here for ages. Now it's back I was searching for Nelly grow tips as mine I bought at beginning of October is looking a bit wrinkled no matter what I do

almost every post said look out for the dreaded moss balls... So today I unpotted to check.... cross is an understatement!!
I bought this at an orchid society show so I didn't repot when I bought her cos I couldn't imagine it would have moss coming from an orchid society... I was wrong!

soggy moss killing my roots... even tho I've been using a skewer and waiting ages to water
So I've picked out all the moss and dead roots.... THANKFULLY there are still some nice healthy firm ones, so I'm hopeful!....and reported with hydroton and bark mix to try and keep it open as the pots a little bit big now :s
Just got to keep my fingers crossed now that I caught it in time... all thanks to OB members giving me the heads up!!