I have this mix of everything in this plant I own for a very long time. Oncidium/hybirds are my fave group and I have Sharry Baby, Degarmoara Flying High and this hybrid of something I suspect is oncidium x zygopetalum but it really doesn't matter. It has 10 pseudobulbs now. What worried me in the first place is that last year after flowering it pushed 3 new growths instead of just 2. Now I am used that oncidiums I own flower right when they reach size of an old plant but before they fully develop new bulbs. It has been so for a few years but this year this mix just wasn't the right size when my other 'chids bloomed so I thought it will just flower late, when it reaches the correct size.(they flowered in June for me, 2 months earlier than I expected, they should flower in August). Its November, the new growths are bigger than the old ones and they developed nice plump bulbs but there is no flower yet. Should I be extremely worried now? Or should I somehow provide flowering requirements for it? I don't know what went wrong.The thing is, fall and winter are pretty cloudy and foggy here and I can't get provide them with enough light/warmth they require to flower like for my other 'chids.
I did experience weird flowering this year though, some chids went too early into flower, this one didn't, my dendrobiums are flowering late and very long and pushing another spike from an old cane...just a weird year for blooms in general but this is the one I am hoping to get in flower so I can take a good photograph of it. I usually don't like it as it has clashing colors of dark red/yellow stripes and pinkish-purple and flowers are bigger than those of others.
If I do nothing I probably won't experience flowers until Easter and that could almost count as 2 years and no flower.Any advice?