What directions do your windows face? Are the shaded, or not? Orchids will need to be very close to the windows, sitting on the sills, to blooms.
I grow a number of orchids on windowsills, it definitely can be done
and the ones called Toulin---?? I can't spell it!
... Tolumnia ? can be grown in a very bright window - mine are in south facing window in winter, outside or in a fairly bright west facing window mid-spring thru fall.
My Sharry Baby takes a fair amount of light in summer - but I don't know how much it actually needs to bloom (I've seen a few members post about Sharry Baby not blooming, and the general consensus is more light is needed)- might be ok in a very bright east or west facing window - they do turn into monsters quickly.
For small Oncidiums - a Twinkle sounds right up your alley - they stay pretty small, mine have bloomed in a rather shady west facing window - most of them have a lovely fragrance. In my experience, these like media to become dry before watering, unlike most other Oncidiums I have had. I've rotted a couple Twinkles
I don't know much about the genus Odontoglossum, tho have had several intergenerics with an Odont parent. Most of the Oncidium alliance intergeneric hybrids should be good beginner plants. A few with Odont parent may like to be a bit cool in winter - 55-65F, but the complex intergenerics, even with an Odont parent, probably would be fine warmer. Again, an east or west facing window is probably fine, and I have bloomed a couple (Odontioda and Goodaleara) in pretty low light windows -Odontioda in a north window, Goodaleara in winter in a southfacing bathroom window with the thick frosted glass, and south clear glass window in summer. Odontioda, both parents are probably cool growers, and the cooler temps in winter may be needed.
I just love the Oncidium alliance, many good windowsill growers here! (some, but definitely not all, just get quite large)