I guess the title says it all.
I have a Miltonidium Rosy Sunset and it has bloomed fine in past years.
In September it bloomed off a lone spike that had gotten stuck in the leaf along the bulb. I thought it was just a freak thing, and managed to tease it out while it was still very small. It had done that on one spike last year too.
And now, the plant is going crazy with spikes, which I only just noticed. And ALL of them are getting stuck in the leaf! Basically, instead of growing up in the air between the bulb and leaf, or growing straight through the fold at the base of the leaf, the spike tip gets jammed in it, the part of the spike below the tip keeps growing until the spike starts to fold and eventually break in half.
I lost 4 strong spikes like that, I only noticed them this morning and they were already too irreparably damaged to be able to free them.
The question is; WHY??? Anything to do to prevent this from happening again?