Odontocidium Floral Factor 'Rayna' (in bloom)
Odontocidium Floral Factor 'Rayna'
-intergeneric hybrid between Odontoglossum Venilia x Odontocidium Wildcat. This beauty produces spikes of striking white flowers speckled with brilliant maroon spots, all neatly outlining a huge attractive lip. True to Oncidium orchids, this hybrid enjoys bright window sill south exposure and good drainage, but I wait to nearly dry out between watering.
I potted this on glass drilled with 1/2 inch holes ... so I can monitor the roots and see if the middle part media have dried ...then I can water
This is its first bloom since I got it last spring.
Last edited by Bud; 07-22-2012 at 08:55 PM..