This is one I got awarded a few years ago, Tolumnia (Rdcm maybe?) Orchidom Valentine 'Littlefrog Sweet Caroline'. Each flower isn't as nice as the award blooming, but it makes up for it with quantity. Everything red in the picture is a flower on the same plant.
Maybe I should make some divisions, might be big enough...
This is the award photo. Hasn't ever bloomed quite that nice again... But it is still nice.
Oh yes, this one is certainly nice. Do you really need to divide it - it's so healthy looking as it is now. Unless you think that by dividing it, it'll get its "before" colors back, enjoy the quantity instead!
Oh yes, this one is certainly nice. Do you really need to divide it - it's so healthy looking as it is now. Unless you think that by dividing it, it'll get its "before" colors back, enjoy the quantity instead!
Mainly people keep asking me for pieces and I keep telling them I want to let it grow a bit more... I think I just blew my excuse. If for no other reason, it is awarded and it would be nice to have more than one copy out there.
I think the color would be back if it would just bloom in February like it did the first time. Cool temperatures accentuate reds.
I don't know the secret of growing tolumnias exactly... Practice, I guess. Bright light, warm summers (my winters suck, I try to keep things above 55F), lots of water but perfect drainage (mounts are best). I don't fertilize a whole lot.