New to Brs./Brsdm.
I'm new to this forum and just got my first Brassia and my first Brassidium last week. My Brassia is Brs. Datacosa 'Coos Bay' x Edvah Loo-logissima 'Valentino' in the first picture below. Unfortunately, it didn't take well to the move from the greenhouse to my house and within a few days the flowers withered and dropped off. My Brassidium, Longlen 'Bill Switzer', (second picture) is fairing much better. I rescued it from a gourmet foods store and it has repaid me by opening two new blossoms and smelling wonderful. My Boxer, Cooper, likes to go up to it and take a whiff. Any Brassia gurus out there with culture hints or suggestions of websites to check out, I'll be glad to hear from you. Thanks, Lisa