Re: your little babies == I have purchased tolumnia from Lowe's (ours has them VERY rarely), with mixed success. Some never thrived, others are blooming beautifully for me right now. If I were you, I'd take them out of their current pots, clean off any media sticking to them, snip out any dead roots (if they are dark greyish or brown, they are dead).
Since there's a chance of bugs, I'd also take a very soft toothbrush and give them a thorough going-over with a mixture of isopropyl alcohol w/ a drop of dish soap. Rinse very thoroughly.
What you do next is going to depend on what's left as far as roots, and your growing environment.
NO or FEW ROOTS: Take the tiniest clay pot you have. Drop the cleaned plant into it. If you put any medium in with it (to keep it from flopping around), make it a big chunk of something inorganic like lava rock or (my favorite) EcoWeb. Place the pot where it will get good but not strong light, run water through it every a.m., and try to keep local humidity up. You should see roots starting to grow within a few weeks.
LOTS OF ROOTS: Go ahead and pot it up into a new pot, with the media you're expecting to use. If it's an open, fast-draining media, you can run water through everyday. If you aren't sure, or if it's out in house temperatures (more like 70 or so degrees in winter), water only every-other-day, at most.
For the first few weeks, give it slightly lower light (phalaenopsis-level), gradually moving it into its final bright light over a couple of weeks. Bear in mind that it isn't going to start taking off and putting out roots unless it's in a growth phase, with a new fan starting. Just be patient with it, and give it a chance to adjust.
I'm not suggesting mounting because that's often not a good choice for stressed plants coming straight from Lowe's. Unless you have a warm, humid environment to start and keep them in, they will take a long time to adjust and take off. If you new plants do well with minimal potting, I'd suggest maybe trying a mount later in the year.
Don't forget to attach fresh labels! You never want to forget who lives with you.
Hope that helps!