Based on your photo you have one of the many Sharry Baby hybrids not the original.
There is a Sharry Baby 'Red Fantasy' that is mostly red but the noticeable difference is that the flower on true Sharry Baby is much flatter then yours which is curling. The hybrids can do this.
Also the colors are cleaner with clear distinctions from red color to the white not slightly blurred.
Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance' has the best and strongest scent. You can smell these 4-6 feet from the plant.
Heaven scent is a much smaller flower than Sharry Baby and dark red like 'Red Fantasy'. It is my favorite of the hybrids. It flowers a lot and 4-8 spikes are common on a 4 inch pot.
Green Valley Sweet is two generations removed from Sharry Baby. It is 25% Sharry Baby as it is a grandchild of the original. I find the scent to be very light in comparison to the original.
Last edited by orchidsamore; 11-24-2010 at 05:18 PM..