Thanks very much ya'll
Helen, It's actually more of a berry red, very deep coloring but I just couldn't capture the right color, had to use the flash.
Ross, 4 to 5 years of success if great, don't let 1 season that blew off get to you, wait til next year to decide. c'mon now
Thanks Dorothy, Tin & Lore - Yap I think i'll keep on with the milts, just love their crazy flowers. No scent on this one tho'.
Gin, I think yours is beautiful, I'll take it off your hands
Besides I have one that looks like that also - waiting for it to pop

I'm really curious to see what the other spike on this will look like. Maybe the bends on this one is normal? The photo on the site of clouds orchids site the blossom the same way. I should toss them an email and see what they say.