Ysa, I have an other question please. Whe you put it round the palm tree what exactly did you do? was it bare root did you add anything etc etc? also is it shaded by the leaves etc? How much sunlight etc full sun,i ask as I just bought myself and my mother one (she lives in Kenya - so similar conditions to yours ) & i think she can grow best like yours- mines in the house in S/h...
thanks in advance for any input you can give me
I attach them bare root with some media. This one is attach to a very long palm tree and it gets shade from the tree. Orchids do NOT like full sun, maybe Vandas but in my case not even. They always thrive in filter sun light and they love to mount it on trees I have done experiments on plants being mounted and in a pot a the growth and spikes are significant better on the mounted ones
Go for it! i'm sure it will love!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks Ysa!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting to see this probably as much as you!
Fantastic!! & I can only imagine the scent ....
Thank you for posting the pictures
That's just beautiful Ysa! Did you put a blankey over her last night?
I'm freaking out because I have a lot of orchids attach to trees and some of my Catts are in buds so I hope the change of weather dont blast them
I covered them the best I could but I live by the bay and the wind is very strong Hopefully the cold will go away this weekend