I would love some input. This is my first Oncidium of any kind, but not my first orchid. The pot was -extremely- tight, and the bulbs were having a hard time getting up and out. I couldn't even wiggle a screwdriver into the tight mix of roots, lava rock, pebbles and bark.
Once tapped out of the plastic pot, (it came out entirely whole, no debris) I noticed the bark pieces had turned to dust. The bark looked like brown mold
, freaking me out a little at first.
So, here's how it looks after patient, careful removal of the mix, and a bath with fresh water. Everything seems okay, but I'm used to Vanda and Phal roots, so I'm not sure what to look for. The first image shows the plant just hanging loose in the pot while I was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.
I have since gently repotted it, and there appears to be still plenty of room to grow. I re-used about 1/3rd of the orig mix (minus bark), tucked into the bottom, sides, under, and topped it off with a thin layer of fresh sphag to keep in a bit of humidity while I do more research.
Any input would be welcome. It's gorgeous when in flower, and I'm outta my league here.
Thanks for looking!
growing indoors in 7a