I am growing that hybrid, and have two new spikes coming right now. I live in Las Vegas, NV, and keep my plant in a west-southwest window that is at times shaded by a patio cover and a pine tree in the neighbor's yard - so it gets some afternoon sun, but not too much. Please note that because I live in the southwest, it is rarely cloudy, and even if there is no direct sun, it is usually very bright.
Is yours getting any sun at all? When in doubt with a non-blooming orchid, try a little more light. I would think that S/H would be fine - how are the roots?
The interesting thing is, I also have Trctm. lanceanum, one of the parents, located right next to the hybrid. Growing well, but never a spike...
Whatever you do, try changing only one thing at a time, or you will never know which factor is the one you are missing.