Ok, this was my first Onc (Onc Sweet Sugar) and I really have no idea if it's doing OK or not, so I would love someone to look at the pics and tell me how I'm doing.
The good and bad that I have noticed...
1. The p-bulbs have wrinkled a LOT since I got it. They were wrinkled originally but are significantly more wrinkled now. Is this normal or is it a sign I'm not watering enough.
2. The leaves have big white patches. I'm
fairly certain this is sun-burn and I've since given it more shade. Do you think I'm right in thinking sun-burn or could it be more serious.
3. There are two new growths on it, neither of which seem to be pleating on the leaves (not sure if that means it IS getting enough water after all or not). These seem to be growing as far as I can tell, they have definately grown significantly since March when I has the previous set of pics of this plant.
4. There are a lot of roots on the surface of the medium from when I repotted in March. The roots then seemed OK but nothing special.
5. I can see the start of roots forming on both of the new growths.
So what do you think,