I was going to take it out of semi hydro but it has done so well in it I am tempted to move 2 others into s/h . This is what I found out about the back ground on it Info. is copied from Orchidweb .
Cross: (Brachdiana x Rex)
Brassia Eternal Wind 'Sato' is a hybrid that has one shot of Brassia verrucosa, one shot of brachiata, and two shots of gieroudiana. The cross is Brachdiana crossed with Rex. It was made by M. Sato in 1993. This brassia is easy to grow and free-flowering with large 10-12" flowers with a cinnamon fragrance.
This plant prefers low to medium light from 1000 - 2000 foot-candles. If this plant should grow lots of leaves but doesn't flower, increase the light levels. Higher light levels can be tolerated during the winter months when the days are shorter.
I once had a big division of Brassia verucossa [spelling?] [had being the operative word ] but before I really knew anything about orchids and what I was doing .
Now I have a Brassia caudata which is doing very well.
Can you take a picture of the pot? Weird I know but I have a thing for roots- in semi-hydro!